Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Einstien Project

The finished picture A 4ft.X 4ft. Einstien. A Job well done!

Einstien Project

I had a 4ft.x4ft. board with a grid on it. As the pieces were finished, I used spray adhesive, and stuck them in place. The picture was starting to take shape. You guessed it Albert Einstien!

Einstien Project

These are Jr.high kids working on a group project for their classroom. they didn't know what the finished image would be. They each were given individual squares to copy onto a larger square . The squares were all numbered and put into a specific order on a bigger board to make a finished picture.

The Sheep Pasture

The finished Sheep pasture. aprox. 32x40in. This was painted from a photogragh Taken by Doug. It was painted with Uncle Dan in mind. I hope he likes it. This was his Christmas gift in 2009.

The Sheep Pasture

On warm sunny days I like to work on my paintings on the front porch. The drawback is that the acrylic paint dries very quickly.

The Sheep Pasture

This is the start of a painting of a walking trail in Easton Massachusetts. Doug had been here as a child, so we took our kids here.

Monday, January 25, 2010

Begining Venice

Starting on the venice painting. The actual photo is on the left. The photo is from picture Steve Obenhaus took on their vacation. Awesome photo! Very fun to paint so far.